Tuesday 8 June 2010

Books on vinyl records: alive to the pleasures of rabbiting on

Books on vinyl records: alive to the pleasures of rabbiting on

Now this looks like a charming idea; I do hope it works. It sounds, as the article mentions, a risky business but with any luck putting children's stories onto a record could well pay dividends. It should add to the popularity of audio books among the young for one thing with the added novelty of, to them, an unfamiliar format.

(Indeed I recall times in the past when family has visited me and I have had to field questions from innumerable curious children:

"What is that, Uncle Bruce?"
"That's called a record, darling."
"What does it doooo?"
"Well, it's a bit like a CD in a way..."
"Oooh, can I have a go?!")

So it may be that the natural curiosity of children around anything new and unusual to them will ensure the success of this venture and expose a whole new generation to the delights and wonders of vinyl records and thus hopefully ensure their continued survival and enjoyment. I wish the fellow and his idea every success.

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