The second post in this [gangster] film series looks at The Public Enemy, the film that gave James Cagney his breakthrough role (Cagney was originally cast as a supporting character but the producer saw his obvious talent and switched him over to the main star) and of the type for which he is arguably the most well-known, despite his many attempts to play other styles in later years.
The film begins in 1909 as we see a young Tom Powers and his friend Matt Doyle getting into all sorts of scrapes and troubles, obviously meant to show us how they fell off the straight and narrow and eventually became gangsters, but particular focus is on Tom and his destructive relationships with the local toughs, his strict policeman father and his straitlaced brother Michael.

whilst wondering what strange unknowns lay beyond the door marked "to the Bar"?
Interesting to see the custom practised in early 20th Century America too.
(Tom looks on as Matt talks to his sister and her friend)

Don't try this in your local Debenhams, kids!

Putty Nose (Murray Kinnell). The black roll neck sweater is quite a modern
look, even for 1931.

but a nice contrasting waistcoat/jacket combo on his left (not to mention the
most jauntily-angled cap you're ever likely to see!).
By now the action has moved on to 1915 and Tom & Matt appear as we will know them throughout the rest of the film (James Cagney and Edward Woods).

and neckwear.
Putty Nose sends the boys out on their first big job but it all goes wrong and before the night is over their lookout and a policeman are both killed. Tom and Matt escape only to find that Putty has disappeared and left them in the lurch. Luckily for them they are not linked to the crime.
In 1917 America enters the Great War and Tom's brother Mike (Donald Cook) enlists in the Marines, much to the consternation of their mother and Mike's girlfriend.

look is very clean and crisp, with the light-coloured cap contrasting well.
The boys can now afford some fancy clothes and head out for a night on the town. In a nightclub they meet Mamie (Joan Blondell) and Kitty (Mae Clarke).
I know a pocket square is ideally meant to be a kind of stylish afterthought,
but Matt's is frankly ridiculous. As ever, Cagney leads the way in fashion.

the hat.

Judging from their ubiquity I imagine it must have been a popular look
in the Thirties.
A classic tough guy pose. Here we see Cagney wearing a very high-crowned
trilby (almost homburg-esque in its style), which really suits him and helps
disguise his height. If you look at a lot of Cagney gangster films you'll often
see him in this type of hat.
...while living it up with Mamie and Kitty in their hotel suite:

Big furry cuffs again!

By now Tom has grown very bored of Kitty (whereas Matt and Mamie become ever closer). Things reach a head at the breakfast table:
The infamous grapefruit scene.

Whilst out on a job the boys meet Gwen Allen (Jean Harlow) literally on a street corner(!). For Tom it's love at first sight.

Later, Matt and Mamie announce their engagement, so everyone goes out to celebrate.
That's one helluva fur! Gwen's iridescent coat/wrap is pretty snazzy too.
Excellent use of atmospheric shadows in this scene.
I forgot to mention in the Little Caesar post, where they are also very much in
evidence, that the bowler hat (or derby) seems to be the gangster hat of choice
when they're going for a formal, public-facing look.
Tom continues to romance Gwen. A chance here for my readers to drool over
Jean Harlow and/or her gown and apartment ;-)

Meanwhile, rival mob boss Schemer Burns (great name!) is on the warpath, looking to take over Paddy Ryan's territory.
Paddy orders the boys to lay low in a safe house until he can figure out a way to deal with Burns. Tom and Matt aren't happy about it, but reluctantly agree.
Paddy's hat is interesting, being almost Stetson-like in its style. Suits him well,
Paddy's girlfriend (uncredited) looks after the boys while Paddy is away
More furry cuffs! And flowing sleeves again as well.
Some tricky camera shots for 1931 include:
Tom is able to get his men, but is badly wounded in the attempt.
"I ain't so tough!"

Mamie's black dress with gold(?) detailing is almost plain by comparison.
While in the nightclub Tom and Matt spot Putty Nose, who has returned now that he thinks the heat is off. Not forgetting how he dropped them at the first sign of trouble, and blaming him for their descent into crime, the boys follow him home and exact their revenge.

evidence, that the bowler hat (or derby) seems to be the gangster hat of choice
when they're going for a formal, public-facing look.
Tom continues to romance Gwen. A chance here for my readers to drool over
Jean Harlow and/or her gown and apartment ;-)

Paddy's girlfriend (uncredited) looks after the boys while Paddy is away

Some tricky camera shots for 1931 include:
Tom and Matt grow restless at being cooped up inside and go out against Paddy's orders. They are attacked by Schemer Burns' men, with bitter consequences. Tom acquires some firepower, intent on dealing with the new menace himself. He waits outside the gang's headquarters.
Wonderfully evocative scenes with Cagney waiting with the rain hammering
down. He still manages to look stylish, even when he's soaking wet!
Tom is able to get his men, but is badly wounded in the attempt.

The final scenes take place in the hospital, where Tom is taken, bandaged and watched over by his family. Later, it seems that he will soon be well enough to come home but then he is suddenly kidnapped by the remaining members of the Burns mob! Will Paddy Ryan be able to convince them to release Tom unharmed?! You'll have to watch to find out!
The original trailer and the film's foreword are a sobering reminder that, as much as we may look back on these kind of films (and continue to try and emulate them today) with the gulf of 80-odd years and all the romanticism that has grown up around gangsterism, this kind of thing was a very real and very dangerous problem that was once a great contemporary threat to a society.

Next time on the [increasingly infrequent!] Film Fridays Gangster series - the original Scarface, Howard Hughes' gangdom masterpiece, from 1932.
The original trailer and the film's foreword are a sobering reminder that, as much as we may look back on these kind of films (and continue to try and emulate them today) with the gulf of 80-odd years and all the romanticism that has grown up around gangsterism, this kind of thing was a very real and very dangerous problem that was once a great contemporary threat to a society.

Next time on the [increasingly infrequent!] Film Fridays Gangster series - the original Scarface, Howard Hughes' gangdom masterpiece, from 1932.