
Friday, 31 July 2020

I Need Some Cooling Off - The Kit-Cat Band, Directed By Al Starita

Well I had planned to give you a long and [hopefully] interesting post about one of my favourite subjects but - whew! - it's almost too hot to think here today (33°C/ 91°F currently) and by Jove do I feel like the title of this song.  So instead I'll leave you with Al Starita's Kit-Kat Band from 1927 and the hope that you're all keeping as cool and safe as possible.  In the meantime, follow their example and maybe have an ice cream (but not at the beach)!


  1. Similar weather on this side of the big swimming pool.
    Those are some neat old photos.
    I've got some catching-up to do on your blog.

    1. Thanks Bill, looking forward to seeing you around again. It's cooled down a bit here now but temperatures are forecast to hit the 90s again by Friday!


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