
Monday, 14 January 2013

Once more unto the breach, dear friends

Some of my readers may remember that I disappeared from the blogosphere for 4 months back in May 2011, following a hospital stay for some abdominal surgery.  That hospitalisation was meant to last no more than two weeks but quickly descended into a living nightmare as everything started to go wrong, leaving me bedridden until I was finally discharged in August essentially worse off than when I had gone in as the planned surgery had to be "undone" leaving me just as I had been beforehand but also weakened from the ordeal of it all.  I won't go into any greater (gory) detail here on a public blog but my Inbox is always open to anyone who wants to chat about such matters, as I know there are a few vintage bloggers who struggle with their health sometimes.

Here he comes again...
The reason for this sudden, frank reminder (or, to newer arrivals, revelation) of a dark chapter in my (and my blog's) recent history is because I have to tell you that the time has come for me - or rather my consultant - to have another crack at the operation that was first attempted in May 2011.  I'm back to as close to full strength as I'll ever be and although what was behind the debacle two years ago has never been satisfactorily determined various tests since then appear to show no barrier to trying again and the doc is quietly confident - so come Tuesday in I go once more.

"I'm ready for your dictation."
Of course I have no intention of being out of commission for four months this time - I continue to hope for the best outcome and the hospital will be on the alert from the start now - but the fact remains that for a few weeks at least I shan't be around to keep this blog going.  I thought it only fair to advise you all of the fact rather than have you all scratching your heads wondering where I've gone as happened last time.  However I've actually organised things enough this time that I've planned ahead and created a few scheduled posts (including this one, although I don't go in 'til Tuesday morning) that should appear automatically over the next three weeks.  I have to thank Jessica over at Chronically Vintage for her recent post about blogging schedules which inspired me to put a few posts by for when I'll be too ill to write any on the spot.  Although the majority of posts on Eclectic Ephemera are of the as-it-happens (or as-it-happened-and-has-just-been-rediscovered/celebrated/championed) variety I do like to vary things with the odd blog about personal vintage discoveries & enjoyments and it will be ones of this sort that you will have to put up with for a while, I'm afraid!

I feel a bit rotten about having written a couple of other post in January before this one - I had hoped to have one or two more articles come my way in between times but it looks like time is running out for that (watch them all flood in now I've committed that down!).  Either way rest assured that during my enforced absence I will still be following my many regular bloggers in spirit if nothing else.  I've altered this blog's settings so that comments will be published immediately so do please keep 'em coming!  It was quite a comfort to me last time to read all my favourite blogs, not to mention the comments and e-mails wishing me well - those were particularly affecting and I must thank again everyone who left them.

All that remains is for me to wish you all - visitors, readers, followers old and new - all the best for the remainder of January.  Looking forward to catching up with all your wonderful blogs will be one of things keeping me buoyant and focussed on getting over the surgery successfully this time.  Once again, I will see you all anon.


  1. Hope all is well very soon, X

  2. I'm sorry to hear that, I have health problems myself so I sympathise. I do hope it goes well this time and you are fighting fit very soon. Take care and all the best.

    1. Thanks LW (and sorry to hear that too) - it's been a long hard road to get back here again and I can only hope for the best this time.

  3. All the best to you and your surgeon. You should've mentioned this earlier, the rest of us bloggers could've organised "pear drops and comics" visits! All the best, and look forward to your "live" blogs xxx

    1. Thanks Jennie! Hehe, I like the sound of "pear drops and comics" visits, although I've got all the peppermint humbugs from my Christmas train ready to go for now - they'll be good for helping me recover!

  4. Best wishes for a successful procedure and a speedy rcovery!

  5. Very best wishes to you for your convalescence and return to good health.

  6. All the best to you and hope to see you well up and blogging soon again.

  7. Best of luck Bruce and speedy recovery!

  8. We shall all be holding you tightly in our hearts. Hang in there and get lots of rest as you recuperate.

  9. I hope everything goes well and I wish you a speedsome recovery!

  10. Gosh was it really back in 2011?! Blimey, it only seems like yesterday! You did give us all a fright the last time and thank you for giving us a heads up this time!
    Anyway, here’s hoping for a speedy recovery. :-) Sending lots of good wishes and a stern but sympathetic “Hurry up and get better” your way!
    Tupps x

    1. I sometimes catch myself thinking it was May 2012 but no, it was nearly two years ago now! Thought it best to keep everyone up to speed this time although I certainly don't intend to be MIA for 4 months again!

      *salutes* Yes, Miss Tups, I certainly will(!). Thanks awfully for your message!

  11. Will be thinking of you Bruce - hope it all goes well, and that you have sufficient boxsets and tea supplies to aid your recovery.

    1. Thanks Miss P - The Mrs Bradley Mysteries, The Sting, Dam Busters, Amelia and Road To Perdition will be waiting for me on return to my parents' home for convalescence. Lots of tea too, of course!

  12. As one who has also suffered adversity I know how frustrating this can all be. But the human spirit is strong. You have a large number of readers who are thinking of you so hang in there, all shall be well.

    1. Thanks Don, I appreciate it! As I mentioned, it's good to know so many of my readers care enough to comment and think of me - it really does help!

  13. Everything crossed that it all goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

  14. Thanks to everyone for your good wishes. I shall be back soon; take care all!

  15. Good Luck with the surgery, and here is hoping to see you back very soon!

  16. Best wishes to you, Bruce: I hope that your operation is a success and your recovery a rapid one.


Don't just sit there, type something! I enjoy reading all friendly and positive comments.