
Monday, 2 April 2012

Old soul, young chap

Old soul, young chap

In the near three (!) years I've been writing this blog I've met (virtually) many like-minded vintage friends from all over the world, from Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and Germany as well as Great Britain.  If Google Stats is to be believed this blog has had readers from such far-flung places as Russia, Venezuela, Thailand and even eyebrow-raising locales like Iran, Iraq, Vietnam and China.  Just today there's apparently been someone from the Åland Islands.  Clearly an appreciation of vintage is not confined to the British Isles.

Just another old soul...
This fact is further reinforced by the accompanying article that I was fortunate enough to have fall into my Inbox from the Malaysian Star Online, charmingly written by a young (presumably Malaysian) lad who I will likely never meet but with whom I felt an immediate affinity.  For his story, as told, is so very much like my own - and, I have no doubt, like a good many of my readers'.  The feeling of a past life out of time inhabiting a young body, the cultural tastes so different to those of his peers, the dislike of some modern technology and a preference for all things vintage but with the underlying desire to try and merge the best of the two together - it's all there, just the same, but half a world away.

Even after all this time reading blogs, writing and reading messages to and  from people across oceans (as well as closer to home) it always remains a heartwarming surprise and delight to read such a similar outlook and appreciation of the past - a shared past in many ways - in spite of the geographical distances and [perceived] cultural differences that can be involved.  Vintage fascination truly is a worldwide phenomenon and it is wonderful to be able to share it with people from such varied locations (thanks - somewhat ironically - to that marvel of the modern age, the Internet).  Thanks to Mohammad Shafiq Razak in Malaysia for reminding me of my own path to vintage (may you continue to enjoy your own journey) and to all my followers, readers and passing visitors near and far for stopping by.


  1. I agree that blogging is totally ironic, this 'tech enables me to indulge my love of vintage/crafting and to converse with like minded people, wherever they are. I always enjoy reading your posts, both interesting and insightful! X

  2. Hello:
    It is, as you write here, endlessly fascinating, as well as one of the great joys of the Blogosphere, to 'meet' with people from all around the globe and with whom one has shared interests. And, somewhat surprisingly, it is possible to feel a real affinity with some, close to a genuine friendship, although not all.


Don't just sit there, type something! I enjoy reading all friendly and positive comments.