
Wednesday, 9 February 2011

200 up!

That last blog post about vintage Rolls-Royces happens to have been my 200th! Huzzah!

I broke the first 100 barrier back in June 2010, seven months after starting on this blogging malarkey, and now here I am on 200 posts almost seven months later again! So I seem to be averaging about 100 posts every 7 months (or 14.29 posts per month, if my maths is right!). I've pleasantly surprised myself with the way that this blog has evolved even in that short space of time to the point where I now feel it has developed a perfect little niche for itself, which is what I had hoped for in the first place.

The great thing about vintage blogging is that, thanks to the popularity of vintage at the moment, there always seems to be something interesting and newsworthy to blog about. Not to mention loads of other great like-minded bloggers to follow! My blogroll is about a mile long now, and all of them superb reads. Looking back to just my hundredth post I see that at the time I had 8 followers (which is still about 6 more than I ever expected); since then that number has ballooned to a fantastic 74! I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read (and comment on) my bletherings, by all means keep it coming - I love our little æthereal natterings! What I said then still holds true at 200 and I hope I'll have the opportunity to say it again come the 300th post.

In the meantime, here's a [tenuously linked] treat for you:


  1. Keep blogging man, cool stuff.
    And nice clip, I love Laurel and Hardy.

  2. Time flies when you are having fun. Blogging can be very creative.

  3. I personally have loved and learnt alot from this blog :) Here's to 300!


Don't just sit there, type something! I enjoy reading all friendly and positive comments.